
Wednesday 30 August 2017

Fitness circuit

stride jump 4push ups 5curl ups 6burpees2tuck jump4run34:55

Thursday 10 August 2017

Orana Wildlife Park

It was a  Rocky ride to Orana Wildlife Park
We got to   Orana Wildlife Park
It was my first time  Orana Wildlife Park love it i learn a lot
  my  favourite animal was giraffe did you know giraffe tongue can lick it  Ear True facts
I want to said thanks you to the warehouse if the warehouse did not help hhs 7/8  wouldn't go to Orana park  thanks you

Tuesday 1 August 2017

what you want to know

-Be positive.
-If you want to make your comment more interesting use more words
-Ask a question.
-Asking a question at the end of your comment helps to keep the conversation going.
It is always good to end your complement with a question.
Make a connection.
You can add more information or share your experience with someone.
Be careful with humour.
Make sure your comment is helpful and meaningful.
Re-read your comment.
Check that all punctuation is in the correct place.
Check that all words are spelt correctly.
Whatever you post on the internet can be seen by everyone.
Never share you private infomation on the internet
Happy vloging!