
Monday 30 April 2018

behaviour of matter

In a solid, particles are tightly packed together.
In a liquid, they are slightly further apart.
In a gas, they are spread further out to take up as much space available.

To make particles expand more, you can heat it up, or stir it. Today we're doing an experiment using heat 🔥.

Particles are sensitive to heat, so when they are exposed to it, they begin to move around more and the space between the particles increases, causing the substance to expand. 

The diagram to the right shows the effect of heat on the particles in a solid substance. Notice that the 'hot' particles are vibrating more than the 'cold' particles. Because of this, they are bumping into each other and the distance between the particles increases. This means the solid will expand.

Describe the effects of heat on: 
1. The movement of particles - the particles vibrate when they are being heated. 
2. The size of the particles - the particles stay the same size no matter what.
3. The space between the particles - the vibration causes the particles to expand.
4. The size of the substance - heating of particles usually result in the substance either melting or turning into gas. 

EXPERIMENT: The Imploding Can 🔥
AIM: To observe contraction in gases.
EQUIPMENT: Aluminium can, scissor tongs, Bunsen burner, heatproof mat, tripod, gauze mat, an open container of water.
1. Set up a Bunsen Burner underneath a gauze mat and tripod.
2. Poor approximately 50-60mL of water into your can so it is no more than 1/4 full.
3. Heat the can on the Bunsen burner until steam is seen escaping from the top. Carefully grip the can with the scissor tongs, ensuring you have a firm hold of the can before lifting it off the gauze mat.
4. Quickly, but very carefully, invert the can as you plunge it into a container of water. 

Set up the Bunsen burner and heat the can until you can see steam pouring out of the top of the can and the water inside is boiling (NOT simmering). 

With scissor tongs, ensure you have a firm grip of the can. 

Carefully but quickly dump the can in the container of water, ensuring it's top is completely submerged in the water.
Both of our experiments failed, but here is a successful experiment from our friends Rheanna and Jay. As you can see their can imploded. 
After we conducted our first experiment, the can didn't implode. This was because the top of the can wasn't totally submerged in the water, and we believed to not have allowed the waters to boil for long enough. It was only simmering when we took it off the heat. Our first experiment was unsuccessful.

We wanted to conduct a successful experiment so we got a new can and tried again. This time we made sure the water was boiling because other successful experiments had boiling water. However, the can wasn't angled right and the top didn't make it to the water. Our second experiment was unsuccessful.


Tuesday 10 April 2018

Novel study

1. August doesn't like events that include parents because he will have to face people whose eyes are not used to his face, or don't know what is wrong with him. 

2. The change that is occurring is that people are being kind and being social with August. 6 months ago his classmates were scared to touch him or talk to him. 

3. August felt sad and embarrassed about getting hearing aids because he didn't want to stick out even more than he does. If he got hearing aids, people would notice them a lot more. I don't think his argument was justified because it is much more beneficial and important to get hearing aids rather than not. Better health and hearing senses is more essential than self-asteem. 

4. Via kept her part in the play a secret because she didn't want the school to find out about her deformed brother. She was afraid people would think of her differently. Via's mm said the play wasn't something August would be interested in because he would get bored. Plus, August doesn't like social events or being around parents.

5. It means that everyone across the world should be recognised for at least one of their talents and skills once. August might believe it because he wants to be recognised for his academic excellence in science and be seen as normal and superior, as he hasn't gotten that opportunity yet.

6. Daisy's death had a negative effect on the characters but got something positive out of the experience. The whole family was sad and crying about the death but it was the thing that brought them together again and made all the fights forgotten about. 

7. Miranda claimed sickness because she might have been effected by nerves or felt pressured by the fact August was there. He was a painful reminder of all of her struggles with him, Via, and camp. 

8. My perception on Miranda changed because she has been through many bad things in her life that she hasn't really mentioned in the story or told anyone. Camp was more than just a style change, she ended up telling a web of lies and being sucked in with the popular girls for it. At first I felt Miranda was a mean person that changed and didn't want to hang out with Via anymore, but then my opinion changed when I found out she had gone through bad things and she just didn't know how to deal with her feelings about Via, August, her family, and camp.