
Saturday 1 December 2018

Community Sports

Passion Projects Review 

For Passion Projects we are creating a  touch tournament with some primary schools. on Friday we did our touch  tournament with hornby primary school they look like they had a good time and we had amazing time help them play it was a good day next time we can do better is not fight with each other and work as a team help each other out and have fun and remember they was years 4 and we a bit to hard on them but they just fun to teach them how play touch  

Monday 26 November 2018

Community Sports

Passion Projects Review 

For Passion Projects we are creating a  touch tournament with some primary schools. At the moment we are in the middle of creating posters to put up around the schools, so people know what we are up to. We have come up with a plan that we have to have all work done and work as a team by the end of the week. My next step is to get all my work done without getting distracted. We have a plan that once one job has been completed it has to be recorded. today we didn't do much work today but we got it done we had our ups and downs but we got them

Monday 19 November 2018

Community Sports

Passion Projects Review 

For Passion Projects we are creating a touch tournament with some primary schools. At the moment we are in the middle of creating posters to put up around the schools, so people know what we are up to. We have come up with a plan that we have to have all work done and work as a team by the end of the week. My next step is to get all my work done without getting distracted. We have a plan that once one job has been completed it has to be recorded. 

Friday 14 September 2018

Rights of Consumers and Responsibilities of Producers

  1. What is the Fair Trading Act

The FAIR TRADING ACT 1986 protects consumers by prohibiting misleading or deceptive conduct in trade. It also: prohibits certain specific types of misleading conduct and misrepresentations. prohibits specific unfair trading practices.
so to help me i get google

Thursday 23 August 2018

Māori food

so i did Māori food Other common species consumed included pāua (abalone), pipi, tuatua, titiko (mud snails), mussels, limpets and cat's eyes. Fresh seafood was usually cooked by laying the flesh on heated rocks. Shellfish were often eaten raw. Māori preserved much of their seafood to eat later or trade.

Wednesday 15 August 2018


What did you learn about ? we learn about being mindful when people talk to you
Was there anything you felt difficult to understand? i dont know was not that hard
When talking to a classmate how did you know what they were feeling? by looking at them so you know what they are feeling
How can you apply your new knowledge to the Business kete? You need to be mindful so that you listen to any new ideas that the other people may have.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Interpersonal Skills

in Health we are doing resilience so we had to watch a movie call who moved my cheese so this my work  

Monday 25 June 2018

Act Two, Scene Three,Act Two, Scene Four,Act Two, Scene Five

Act Two, Scene Three
  1. What does Jessica think of her life at home?
  2. Give evidence from the text to support your thinking.
  3. "Our house is hell and thou,merry devil.
  4. Which of Bassanio’s friends is Jessica planning to marry?
  5. Lorenzo

Act Two, Scene Four
  1. How does Jessica get a message to her lover?
  2. Launcelot "give him this letter and do it secretly.
  3. How will she be disguised for the elopement?
  4. she dress us a boy and throws down money she has
  5. taken from Shylock

Act Two, Scene Five
  1. Why is Shylock uneasy about going out for the evening?
  2. Give evidence from the text to support your he think he
  3. going to get caught

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Mee Goreng

So i work with Tana , Dylan we did good
what we need to work on is: talking to each other
 what we need to work on next time is :help out each other

Heat the oil in a wok. Add curry powder and onion and stir-fry over medium heat until soft, about 4 minute. Add the noodles, tomato, chilli sauce, tomato sauce and soy sauce and stir-fry over medium heat for 3 min, mixing well.


  1. Why does Portia want Bassanio to delay his choice? i dont know
  2. What makes Bassanio choose lead over the silver and gold caskets?, find the quotes in the text to support your thinking.
  3. What does Portia’s speech A3S2 L166-174 reveal about the expected roles of a woman in marriage. i dont know
  4. What did Gratiano’s and Nerissa’s wish to marry depend on?
  5. How does Portia know that the letter contains bad news?
  6. What help does Portia offer straightaway?
  7. Why do we not expect this help to be successful?
  8. Do you think Portia would still be in love with Bassanio if she knew he had lied about his wealth?

Monday 18 June 2018


  1. Why does Shylock assume Solanio and Salerio know of Jessica’s flight? Because they knew that Jessica was leaving
  2. What is the second suggestion of misfortune for Antonio- find a quote. one night ducats
  3. Who has been looking for Lorenzo and Jessica, how do we know. Shylock because it his daughter
  4. Where do Shylock and Tubal arrange to meet and with what purpose? synagogue

Thursday 14 June 2018


  1. Which casket does the Prince of Morocco think is
  2. worthy to contain Portia’s portrait. Use evidence of
  3. the text to justify your answer. He said you cant be a silver
  4. you are worth more.
  5. How is Portia feeling in A2S7 -at the beginning, scary

  6. -while the Prince is making his choice, at the end scary
  7. What was Portia's father trying to achieve
  8. by the use of the caskets. Does this seem to be working?
  9. yes it does work

Wednesday 13 June 2018

chilli con carne

Image result for chilli con carne

So i work with gary, kaela we did good
what we need to work on is to work us a team and timer   

what we need to do next time is more talking 

but we did good we was not good at clean up but we got it done 

when it was washing the dishes gary was cooking the food

Wednesday 6 June 2018

macaroni and cheese

Image result for macaroni and cheese

so i work with Dylan and gary we did good
what we need to work on is our timer but we did good
what we need to work on next is to work us a team

  • 4 cups (1 litre) milk
  • 1 tsp salt
  • ground black pepper, to taste
  • 2 cups dry macaroni
  • ½ head cauliflower, cut into small florets
  • 180g ham, diced
  • ½ tsp ground nutmeg
  • 4 handfuls baby spinach leaves or other greens
  • 3 cups grated tasty cheese
  • ½ cup breadcrumbs
Heat milk, salt and pepper in a large pot. When it just comes to a boil add macaroni and cauliflower. Bring back just to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer gently for 2 minutes less than the packet instructions for the pasta.
Mix in ham, nutmeg, spinach and 2 cups of the cheese. Tip into a baking dish and top with remaining cheese and breadcrumbs. Place under a preheated grill and cook until golden (about 5 minutes). Serve at once.


ct Two, Scene Six
  1. How does Launcelot manage to tell Jessica that
  2. Lorenzo will be there that evening? no
  3. What does Jessica throw down to Lorenzo? Casket
  4. Why is Antonio looking for Gratiano? i dont know

Wednesday 30 May 2018

vegetarian nachos

So we maked vegetarian nachos i work with Dylan
what we need to work on is more flavour on your food but we did good
next time we can to better is timeing  


so Bassanio ask to borrow money from Antonio but  Antonio said he does no money but he said to ask shylock under  Antonio that why i pick this song to the song because it is about money so it go with it 


  1. Antonio is depressed without knowing You’re worried about your ships he in love with someone 
  2. why. if I had such risky business ventures in other countries
  3. What two possible reasons do his friends suggest? You’re worried about your ships he in love with someone

  4. Do you think Gratiano’s contributions help Antonio’s mood?
    yes i do think

  5. What are your first impressions of Bassanio?
  6. he a bit maen to people
  7. Is he in love? yes but no
  8. Why does he need to borrow money again now
  9. so he can get married to portia

Act One, Scene Two

  1. How do Portia’s first words compare with Antonio’s?
  2. so he was depressed and she hate the world
  3. What is the reason for her mood?
  4. she dont know who to married
  5. Do you think Nerissa is a help to her?
  6. yes she is but portia dont let her help

Thursday 24 May 2018

What is a structure?

What is a structure?
a structure is a body that supports a load      

                   shell structure
Is like a round object used for buildings, stadiums, cave and cover
Shell structure, In building construction, a thin, curved plate structure shaped to transmit applied forces by compressive, tensile, and shear stresses that act in the plane of the surface. They are usually constructed ofconcrete reinforced with steel mesh (see shotcrete).

a frame Shell structure is sydney operahouse

Image result for shell structure
Image result for shell structureImage result for shell structure

frame structure
Frame structures are the structures having the combination of beam, column and slab to resist the lateral and gravity loads. 
Image result for frame structure
natural structure