
Thursday 29 March 2018

music for novel study

can do task: MUSICAL- Via and Justin are enjoying Valentines day.
why i think that this song is good to it because it is a lover song and it is by

Ed Sheeran. name of the song is: Thinking Out Loud

it was out in 2014 it is a good song love the song so much.

Novel study

1. Motivations for Julian's mum to Photoshop August out of the photo include having an aversion to August's facial deformities and what confusion and ugliness it will add to the image.

2. Mrs Albans' statement is unjustified, overestimated, and wrong, and I think that she overestimated August's condition or what she has heard about him. I don't think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on August's classmates because it is something August cannot change about himself and it is disrespectful towards him and Mrs Alban's opinion of his classmates. It's not a burden because they will need to see that there is more to people than what they look like on the outside.

3. I disagree with Mrs Albans' when she said August shouldn't have allowed in Beecher Prep. Besides from his face, he is a perfectly ordinary human with a high ability to learn and interact with others, and he should not be discriminated against for something he can't change or hide.

4. Jack handled the situation badly. He said he felt awful being alone because he thought everyone was watching and judging him. Jack was desperate to find a new friend group again and kept trying even when they dissed him. Instead of making things better and apologising to August or Julian, he tried to avoid the situation and I don't think that was the best thing to do. 

5. Justin was nervous meeting Olivia's parents because he was afraid that his tics would come out, which happens when he's stressed. I guess he didn't want to make a strange or bad impression on them. 

6. Justin greets the family in different ways because he has different reactions to all of them. When he meets August, he is surprised but wants to make sure that he doesn't show it. When Justin meets Olivia's parents, he is nervous because he doesn't want to reveal his tics. Even when he meets Daisy, his reaction is different - happy - because of the way the dog reacted to him, which he referred to as 'super sweet'.

7. I think it was bad thing for Justin to do because it makes Jack seem like he is too nervous to confront Julian and his friends by himself. It would be another thing for Julian to make fun of him for and could make Jack's social life even worse. Plus, if anything, Julian has double standards, like what August's mum said in the beginning. His reaction to Justin might be different to his reaction to Jake.

8. Via might feel that she is an awful person because of her bottled-up feelings for Miranda and her's relationship, and how she hasn't told Justin about it because when he confronted her about it, she got very upset. She isn't right though! If Via didn't want to tell Justin, that's fine and it should be respected, because there are some things better off unsaid.

9. Part Five is different for a number of reasons. Justin is not a member of the Pullman family and offers a different perspective on August's condition - a perspective others see -  as well as a different perspective on Via's life, in which he is the only character in the book to do so. An obvious reason is that Part Five is written in lower case lettering; something that might have to do with Justin's unique characteristics and personality.

can do tasks:

Wednesday 28 March 2018

Hot Cross Buns

Yesterday, as Easter rapidly approaching, Dylan, Rheanna and I baked Hot Cross Buns in Home Economics.

what we need to be better ? Is to make big one we came not put the Frosting on it and it was so hard

what we did well is? we work as a team 

  • Whole wheat or white flour
  • Baking powder
  • Salt
  • Butter 
  • Honey
  • Cinnamon
  • Raisins
  • Milk
Frosting ingredients
  • Icing sugar
  • Milk
  • Vanilla essence

Wednesday 21 March 2018


  1. Preheat oven to 375f or 190c; line muffin cups with papers.
  2. Cream butter and sugar till light and fluffy. beat in eggs one at a time.
  3. Add flour (mixed with baking powder and salt) alternating with milk beat well; stir in vanilla.
  4. Divide evenly among pans and bake for 18 minutes. Let cool in pans.
The 20th of mar we maked cupcakes who i work with were ornaree and Dylan and kaela  
what we need to work is: lest butter in the icing 
what for next time is: lest talking 
what was your best moment during the practical: The icing  and why: it was so fun doing it 

Wednesday 14 March 2018

spicy apple muffins

so we made spicy apple muffins 
In my team with Dylan, Rheanna                             
we are proud what we did so we were first done 
what did we do wrong: we did it algood 

Pre-heat oven to 400°F.
  • Mix together flour, baking powder, salt and sugar.
  • Mix in apple, cover completely.
  • Add egg, milk, and butter.
  • Pour 3/4 full into greased muffin tins.
  • Mix topping together and sprinkle over unbaked muffins.
  • Bake for 15-20 minutes or until brown.
  • Eat them.

wonder book

  • August is like a padawan because of the hair at the back of his head
  • Julian said that do you know Darth sidious he was probably meaning that he looks like him
  • Being kind is better than being right because you can get a lot more things being kind
  • He is mad at his mother because she didn't want to sent him to school
  • He invited his whole class but they didn't show up because they think that his family is weird
  • Aversion means having a strong dislike to something, he dislikes his photo being taken because of what he looks like
  • August might not change his opinion on Jack Will because jack might have been talking about how Augusts a nice kids
  • He probably will go back to school because he has lots of friends

wonder book

How was the point of view different in part one than part two?
When the book got up to part two the story was told by Olivia,
August’s older sister.

In a paragraph, describe the challenges Via must face being Auggies sister?
I think Via will face lots of challenges being Auggie’s sister because
she is always trying to protect him and keep him out of harm.
Olivia also wants to be someone other than ‘ the cripples sister’.
She feels embarrassed when she invites her family to places.
Olivia loves August very much and doesn’t want to see him hurt.

Via says ‘ August is the sun’ explain what she means.
She says that august is the sun because it feels like everything revolves around him,
the spotlight is never on her.

Via thinks that her parents are wrong when it comes to making August feel normal,
why do you think this is?
I think she feels that making him feel normal is a bad idea because nobody else thinks of him as
normal and she doesn’t want him to get his hopes up. Do you agree?
No but I understand her argument.

Via goes by Olivia at high school, why do you think this is?
I think she doesn’t go by Via because that’s
what Auggie calls her and she wants to be her own self, not just Auggie’s sister.

How is Olivia going at high school? At highschool nobody knows about August,
she has a boyfriend and some other friends so it is going well.

What are the odds of Olivia having a baby which looks like August?.
If she marries someone with the gene there is a %50 chance of the child having the gene and
being fine, %25 chance of the child not having the gene at all and
%25 chance of the child looking like Auggie. Do you think these are good odds?
 They are not the greatest.

Explore the character Miranda, what did she say to August in the end of part two?
Miranda was Via’s best friend and she said that she misses Via.

Describe Via as a character. Via is August’s big sister and is a very empathetic person,
she has her own problems but worries and cares about Auggie heaps.
She loves her family but wants a life of her own. Do you empathise with her? Yes, I do.

What do you think will happen to august when he returns to school?
Nobody knows that it was him in the bleeding scream mask,
he will continue to be friends with Summer.

Tuesday 13 March 2018

The Black Death

The Black Death, also known as the Black Plague,
Great Plague or simply Plague, was one of the most devastating
pandemics in human history, The bacterium Yersinia pestis,
which results in several forms of plague,
is believed to have been the cause.[4]
The plague created a series of religious, social,and economic upheavals,
which had profound effects on the course of European history.
The Black Death is thought to have originated in the dry plains of
Central Asia, where it then travelled along the Silk Road,
reaching Crimea by 1343. From there, it was most likely carried
by Oriental rat fleas living on the black rats that were regular passengers
on merchant ships, spreading throughout the Mediterranean and Europe.
The Black Death is estimated to have killed 30–60%
of Europe's total population.[6] In total, the plague may have reduced the
world population from an estimated 450 million down to 350–375 million
in the 14th century.[7] It took 200 years for the world population to recover
to its previous level.[8][9]
The plague recurred as outbreaks in Europe until the 19th century.
A: The first historical record of bubonic plague is in
Central Asia in 1338/39. It reached China and Indiaby 1346.
It infected the Black Sea port of Kaffa by 1347.
One (false) legend says that the Mongols infected the city
of Kaffa by shooting infected corpses over the walls with

During the Middle Ages, bubonic plague, known as the "Black Death,"
killed thousands of people. Bubonic plague is a potentially fatal bacterial
infection called "Yersina pestis." ... These photos show
what infection with bubonic plague looks like, and
also some of the ways it is transmitted from animals to humans.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

pizza rolls

so we made pizza rolls 
In my team with Dylan, Rheanna                             
we are proud what we did so we were first done 

what did we do wrong: we did it algood 

Tuesday 6 March 2018

beatriz milhazes

  • What are some ways they have composed their image well?
  • the colour and the shape and that
  • What can you take from this work and apply to your own work ? the shape and some of the colour