
Thursday 29 March 2018

Novel study

1. Motivations for Julian's mum to Photoshop August out of the photo include having an aversion to August's facial deformities and what confusion and ugliness it will add to the image.

2. Mrs Albans' statement is unjustified, overestimated, and wrong, and I think that she overestimated August's condition or what she has heard about him. I don't think she was correct when she said it places too much of a burden on August's classmates because it is something August cannot change about himself and it is disrespectful towards him and Mrs Alban's opinion of his classmates. It's not a burden because they will need to see that there is more to people than what they look like on the outside.

3. I disagree with Mrs Albans' when she said August shouldn't have allowed in Beecher Prep. Besides from his face, he is a perfectly ordinary human with a high ability to learn and interact with others, and he should not be discriminated against for something he can't change or hide.

4. Jack handled the situation badly. He said he felt awful being alone because he thought everyone was watching and judging him. Jack was desperate to find a new friend group again and kept trying even when they dissed him. Instead of making things better and apologising to August or Julian, he tried to avoid the situation and I don't think that was the best thing to do. 

5. Justin was nervous meeting Olivia's parents because he was afraid that his tics would come out, which happens when he's stressed. I guess he didn't want to make a strange or bad impression on them. 

6. Justin greets the family in different ways because he has different reactions to all of them. When he meets August, he is surprised but wants to make sure that he doesn't show it. When Justin meets Olivia's parents, he is nervous because he doesn't want to reveal his tics. Even when he meets Daisy, his reaction is different - happy - because of the way the dog reacted to him, which he referred to as 'super sweet'.

7. I think it was bad thing for Justin to do because it makes Jack seem like he is too nervous to confront Julian and his friends by himself. It would be another thing for Julian to make fun of him for and could make Jack's social life even worse. Plus, if anything, Julian has double standards, like what August's mum said in the beginning. His reaction to Justin might be different to his reaction to Jake.

8. Via might feel that she is an awful person because of her bottled-up feelings for Miranda and her's relationship, and how she hasn't told Justin about it because when he confronted her about it, she got very upset. She isn't right though! If Via didn't want to tell Justin, that's fine and it should be respected, because there are some things better off unsaid.

9. Part Five is different for a number of reasons. Justin is not a member of the Pullman family and offers a different perspective on August's condition - a perspective others see -  as well as a different perspective on Via's life, in which he is the only character in the book to do so. An obvious reason is that Part Five is written in lower case lettering; something that might have to do with Justin's unique characteristics and personality.

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